Thursday, November 29, 2007

Christmas Wreath Bracelet and Other Lovely Stuff

christmas wreath bracelet

I love bracelets. The colorful the better and if they dangle a bit I like that too. I've been visiting a lot of online shops over time but to be honest so far I found only one that I like almost in its entirety.

Let me present you justCharming's shop. Filled with all sorts of bracelets in all sorts of colors. The shipping is free and if you want earrings to match the same owner also has an earring shop. Speaking of the owner, her name is Lisa and she's very friendly, which makes buying from her a true pleasure.

So, if you have reached the Christmas shopping stage or you are only thinking about it, and if you know someone who'd enjoy a nice bracelet, click here. Did I mention the free shipping?

Note: I was not paid nor compensated in any way for writing this article. I have only bought from this shop more than once and liked it so much I thought I would share it with the others.


zandperl said...

That *is* a quite cute bracelet! Reminds me I need to get some materials so I can add origami ornaments to my shop.

Shaunta said...

So cute! I love it.

Jerine said...

merry christmas!

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